Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Dilly Dip

It is Christmas-time, and that means bring on the appetizers! My mom makes two dips – this is one of them. It’s crazy tasty, and so you know that pretty much can guarantee it comes from a spectacular cookbook – “What’s Cookin’ At Goodlands”. (Recently reprinted, btw. And sonofagun if I didn’t forget to make any orders.)

This year I was lucky enough to have it twice! Once at my parents on Christmas day. And once with the life-long pals from Brandon.

Anyhoo – without any ado, here’s this tasty bit of holidays:

Page 3 - Goodlands Cook Book
Dilly Dip
1 cup mayonnaise
1 cup sour cream
2 tsp onion flakes
2 tsp parsley flakes
2 tsp dill weed
1 tsp seasoned salt

Mix ingredients and chill. Serve with vegetables and chill.



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